• +44(0)2037546854 / +44(0)7421185873

About Us

Welcome to Parcel Exchange Limited

Parcel Exchange is a real-time online trading platform and access to a large community of members where independent owner drivers, courier companies, forwarders, transport companies, retailers and online shops post their availability status on a minute-by-minute basis.

The platform allows members to post available loads, journey information and real time vehicle availability status, the system then matches available vehicles (using location/size/availability) with the load requirement and instantly sends a notification via email or SMS to members.

Members then go ahead to negotiate details and price directly with each other and use our Diary system to confirm bookings and complete the delivery of the parcel or item.

Our mobile application which keep members connected and send them live notifications while on the move together with our advanced accreditation checks, intergrated billing module and ability to supply feedback on other members, and much more give us that unique feature that sets us apart.

Our Sponsors

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